School Counselors
Guidance Information
Counselor’s Corner - Sarah Marcus
My phone extension is 33897
Research shows that parents and caregivers who spend at least 15 minutes a day talking with their child can build the foundation for a strong relationship and help prevent bullying. The time you spend will help boost your children’s confidence and build effective strategies for facing bullying - whether children are being bullied, engaging in bullying, or witnessing bullying.
Take a few minutes and “check in,” by asking about school, their friends, and any challenges they face. KnowBullying has simple conversation starters to begin a discussion with your child. Start easy, meaningful conversations with your children. Learn strategies to prevent bullying for ages 3—6, 7—13, and teens.
Warning Signs: Recognize if your child is engaging in bullying, being bullied, or
witnessing bullying.
Reminders: Talk with your child when the time feels right: a quiet moment on the way to school or a game, during dinner, or relaxing outside.
Social Media: Share successful strategies and useful advice via Facebook, Twitter, email, and text messages.